sagart agas ministear a’ coiseachd an rathaid mhóir. Bha iad gu briagha
càirdeil, bàidheil ri chéile. Cha robh iad ann an droch-rùn ri chéile na
gamhlas ’s am bith. Bha iad a’ bruidhinn, a’ deasbad air obair creidimh agas
air a chuile seòrsa is a' bruidhinn air. Ach thuirt an darna fear ris an fhear
dé a dhèanadh tu nan tigeadh an t-Aibhstear an-dràsda?”
dé dhèanainn ach fuireach an seo fiach de thachras gun fhios có a’ fear againn
a ghlacadh e an toiseach.”
ghlacadh mise,” thuirt an sagart.
a tha thu a’ dèanadh a-mach gur h-e thusa a ghlacadh e an toiseach?”
thusa aige cheana,” thuirt e, “agas bhitheadh e airson mise fhaotainn
robh an còrr m’a dhéidhinn.
the translation goes something as follows:
priest and a minster were taking a walk along the way. They were both on
extremely friendly terms with one another. They didn’t bear one another any
ill-will or any hatred at all. They were conversing and debating about religion
and many other subjects. And one of them said to the other:
would you do if the very Devil appeared right now?”
what would I but to wait here to see which one he would seize first.”
he’d take me,” said the priest.
do you reckon that he’d take you first?”
got you already,” he said, “and so he’d wish to have me as well.”
more was heard about it.
It may be noted that Brae
Lochaber at this time was quite a stronghold of Roman Catholicism and this
would help to explain why the priest happened to get the upper-hand on this
occasion. However irreverent this humorous anecdote might be, it does show that
the religious divide was not based on sectarian lines and that both religious
communities would get on well with one another. There are numerous examples of
this type of genre throughout the Highlands and Islands as well those that may
be found in the New World such as in Nova Scotia where Catholic and Protestant
communities were in some cases closer to one another than they would have been
back home in Scotland.
NB 6, pp. 527–28
E. Nilsen, ‘The Priest in the Gaelic Folklore of Nova Scotia’, Béaloideas, vol. 64/65 (1996/97), pp.
Devil / An t-Aibhstear. Licensed through Creative Commons
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