I remember the old ball play. There might be
fifty playing at one time, playing all
together perhaps. They would probably draw out a big team both sides. They
played shinty something like what they do today, but it was a “ball gaoisid”
that they had made of hair, not leather. Oh! I remember it well. It wouldn’t go
very far when you hit it. It would be heavy. When I remember shinty first there
was always sixteen men a side. It was cut down after that to twelve. They always
played shinty on New Year’s day. You see there was various people that were
well-to-do and they would give them a day at shinty. They would give them the
whiskey anyway. They used to give them the whiskey. Perhaps one man would have
Christmas day, another man would have New Year's day. Sometimes they played
parish against parish. I believe they played here, Laggan and Newtonmore at one
time, I remember one old story about a man. They were playing on the Eilean and
he took the ball of the Eilean up over
Calder Bridge, a Laggan man. He took the ball with him. This man took it home
with him. He took it off the field all together and left them all there. He
took the ball up over the bridge. Probably he was on his own territory by that
time. He won the game. There would probably be twenty on a side. There were not
so many rules and regulations. The fastest and strongest man was the best, one that
would throw every other man about. There was no nets or anything on the goals
in those days, just two posts. There was no fouls. That all stopped over sixty
years ago. I was very, very young, when it stopped. They called it “cluich
iomain” in Gaelic. The clubs were mostly birch. They were home-made. If they were
seasoned, they wouldn’t be so bad. I had one myself made of willow. It was
light. I had it for a long time. It was home-made, of course. It was my father
that made it. I wasn’t very old, when the leather ball started. I would be
something in my teens, when they started with the leather ball. Before that
they had one of horse-hair and wool, of course. Perhaps it was drawn out of an
old stocking for all I know. It was very heavy.
a shinty fan himself, Maclean mentions the popularity of the sport in his book The Highlands:
The villages of Newtonmore and Kingussie have
long been nurseries of shinty teams and noted players. The Newtonmore club has
won the Scottish shinty trophy more often than any other club. The last time I
was in Newtonmore the Scottish Cup and several other trophies were displayed in
a shop window on the main street. In many homes there pictures of noted teams
of the past were proudly shown, in many cases teams dating back to the years
1905 and 1906 and the years immediately preceding the First World War, when the
late Dr John Cattanach, subsequently killed on active service, was a member of
the team. Over forty years have gone since Dr John Cattanach played for
Newtonmore, but he is still remembered and will be as long as shinty is played
in Badenoch. Shinty will be played in Badenoch for a long while yet, as I
observed during my stay at Newtonmore. Although it is principally a winter
game, I noticed youngsters who had hardly reached school age going about with
their camain (clubs) during the long
summer evenings. Matches between the rival adjacent villages of Kingussie and
Newtonmore are attended with great enthusiasm.
I. Maclean, The Highlands (Inbhir
Nis: Club Leabhar, 1975)SSS NB 14, pp. 1217–19
playing shinty
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