An deadhaidh Murt Ghleanna Comhnann thachair
rud glé iongantach. Agas am a’ mhurst bha boireannach truagh ann,
agas chaidh i fo dhrochaid leis an leanabh a bha mu thrì miosan a dh’ aois.
Agas dh’ airich na saighdearan sgriach an leanabh is iad a’ dol seachad agas i
a’ fiachainn ri chumail sàmhach. Agas thuirst an commandair a bh’
“Theirige sìos fo’n drochaid agas ma’s e
gille a th’ ann, marabh e. Ach ma’s e nighean a th’ ann, leig leis.”
’S e gille a bh’ ann. Agas ghuidh i air:
“Aig ghaoil Dia,” thuirst i, “fàg
an gille agam,” thuirst i.
Ach bha cat ann. Agas mharabh e an
cat agas chuir e fuil a’ chait air a’ chlaidheamh. ’N uair a thill e air ais
son dearaadh a thoirst do’n chommandair gun do mharabh
e e, sheall e an claidheamh dha làn fuil (K512.1.). Dh’ fhàg seo làn-riaraichte
an commandair.
Ach bliadhanachan an deadhaidh sin, dh’ fhàs
an gille seo suas. Bha taigh-òsta aige aig an Apuinn. Thàinig duine allabanach,
truagh a staigh a bha a’ falabh air an rathad mhór. Agas an
deadhaidh dhà drama na dhà fhaotainn, thòisich e air innseadh m’a dhéidhinn Murst
Ghleanna Comhann. Tha an Apuinn pios bho Ghleanna Comhann, ach cha robh e a’
tuigsinn idir gun robh an duine a bha a staigh a' cumail cluais ris na biathran
a bha e ag ràdha. Is ’n uair a chuala e e a' bruidhinn air Murst
Ghleanna Comhann, thuirst e:
“Cha téid thusa as seo a nochd (H11.).”
Ach ’n uair a dh’ innis e gur e shàbhail a bheatha
agas ’s ann a ghabh e bàidh glé mhór ris. Agas chum e riamh tuillidh m’an
taigh-òsta e a’ dèanadh mar a thoilicheadh e fhéin gus na chaochail e (Q40.).
the translation goes something like this:
After the Massacre of Glencoe something
amazing happened. At the time of the massacre a poor woman was present and she
hid under a bridge with she infant that was around three months of age. The
soldiers heard the infant’s cry as they went by and she was trying to keep
Their commander said:
“Go under the bridge and if it’s a boy, kill
him but if it’s a girl, then let it be.”
It was a boy and she implored:
“For the love of God,” she said, “leave my
boy alone.”
But there was a cat and he killed it and he
smeared the blood of the cat on his sword. When he returned to prove to his
commander that he had killed the infant boy, he showed his sword smeared with
blood (K512.1.). This fully satisfied the commander.
Many years after that, after the lad had
grown up, he owned an inn in Appin. A poor dishevelled wanderer came in who had
been walking the highways. After he had taken a dram or two, he began talking
about the Massacre of Glencoe. Appin is only a short distance from Glencoe but
he didn’t understand at all that the man who owned the inn had been paying attention
to what he was saying. When he heard him talking about the Massacre of Glencoe,
he said:
“You’ll not leave here tonight (H11.).”
When he told him that it was he who had saved
his life became greatly beholden to him and so he was given lodgings in the inn
and could do what he liked until he passed away (Q40.).
some folkloristic motifs present in the tale, perhaps there remains an element of truth
to this historical narrative. Even in such a dire situation as the woman had
been, the soldier contrary to his direct orders shows mercy and allows the
infant to survive. Such generosity of spirit is then unexpectedly repaid many
years later. If there is a ‘moral’ to the story then it might well be that something
good come out of an event that caused revulsion to many when it actually
happened. Writing in The Highlands,
Calum Maclean made the following observations about the Massacre:
Glencoe is the most famous glen in the
Highlands and it is so not only because of its scenery, which is wild and
magnificent, but because of its grim history and the memory of a night of dark
treachery and bloodshed in February 1692. The Massacre of Glencoe goes down to
history as a blot on the name of Campbell and not so much blame is attached to
the monarch who signed the order to extirpate the luckless MacDonalds. William
of Orange was no doubt fully aware of what he was doing when he signed and
counter-signed the order to murder old MacDonald and his clan in cold blood,
even though the fact that MacDonald had taken the oath of allegiance was
concealed from him. The massacre was rather the result of deliberate, planned
official policy rather than the outcome of a blood-feud between the Campbells
and MacDonalds of Glencoe. The real and unfortunate truth was that the
Campbells were no more than tools used by unscrupulous authorities to overawe
the Jacobite Highlands. The name of Campbell has been eternally disgraced by
the events of that dark February night, not so much because the victims were
dispatched without warning but because the time-honoured code of hospitality
was outraged. Despite all that, it will surprise many to know that even to this
very day in such districts as Keppoch and Moidart, both in the heart of the
MacDonald country, popular tradition exonerates the Campbells. In Moidart the
story was told that on the night preceding the massacre a Campbell soldier went
to visit one of the MacDonald houses. He had been to that same home on several
evenings previously, and, as they sat round the fire on the fated night, a
greyhound lay sleeping in front of the fire. For a few moments all conversation
stopped and the Campbell soldier spoke to the sleeping dog: “O grey hound, if
you knew what I know, your bed would be on the heather this night!” No sooner
had the visitor gone than the family made for the hills and escaped. Another
story had it that a Campbell soldier told the terrible secret to a grey stone.
Many of the MacDonalds did escape on the night of the massacre.
I. Maclean, The Highlands (Inbhir
Nis: Club Leabhar, 1975)
SSS NB 11, pp. 1028–29
Stone / Clach MhicEanruig, the grey stone mentioned above
Have just read a letter in today's Oban Times, "Campbell's exonerated" based on your blog post. Whilst the part played in this slaughter under trust by the government,s representatives can not be exonerated there can be no doubt that the part played by Clan Campbell was as guilty as the rest. From Glen Lyon down there were still upwards of 90 men in the command that took the hospitality of MacIan. Rembering that Macian's wish to take the oath led him a merry dance through Clan Campbell lands there can never be doubt that Clan Campbell had a part in this slaughter. Play the tape to 1752 and Clan Campbell raises its government head again in its "art in part" hanging of Seumas a ghlinne. There is a long standing hatred of the Clan Campbell throughout the period of demise of Clan Donald fron government grace. Iain Lom records the deeds of Clan Donald at Inverlochy in 1645 and that great slaughter. Clan Campbell expansion through government titles and post reformation church lands cannot be disputed. Fact or legend there can be no doubting the part played by Clan Campbell in the slaughter under trust that was the massacre of Glencoe.
ReplyDeleteI think Maclean seeks to dispel historical essentialism. We are all liable to lean a little further one way if we feel all the weight has wrongly been leaning the other.
DeleteIn the 1930s, Nils Holmer lifted the following proverb from the mouth of a Campbell in the heart of their country (Kilmartin):
Nam bitheamh còir air a chumail,
Cha bhitheamh Rìgh Deòrs' ann an Lunainn.
(Supposing right should be observed,
King George would not be in London)
Although the proverb is far from rare, its quotation is quite the anomaly for that area almost 200 years after the fact, showing propensity for plenty grey area!
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