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John MacDonald of Highbridge |
bhidh an duine ad fada beò.”
seo agat pàirst do na rannan a bhitheadh iad a’ gabhail:
mhór a bh’ againn Oidhche Choille
Chan fhàgadh i braighdean air gamhainn,
Chan fhàgadh i coinneal an coinnlear,
Is chan fhàgadh i broin an cailleach.
Chan ’eil gaol agam air ìm,
Is chan ’eil gràdh agam air càis,
Ach an rudan beag a tha ’s’ bhuideal
Tha mo shlugan air a thì.”
Chan fhàgadh i braighdean air gamhainn,
Chan fhàgadh i coinneal an coinnlear,
Is chan fhàgadh i broin an cailleach.
Chan ’eil gaol agam air ìm,
Is chan ’eil gràdh agam air càis,
Ach an rudan beag a tha ’s’ bhuideal
Tha mo shlugan air a thì.”
fear eile dhiubh:
mi a seo gun sireadh
Bho bhun an t-sreachda aig Beinn Nibheis –
Cuideachd òìgridh uallach, aoidheil, suairce
Aig am biodh na cruachan feòir ’s’ gheamhradh
Mar chruachan mòine a’s t-samhradh.
Siuthadaibh, illean, òlaibh uile,
’N uair a theirigeas seo, gheibh sinn tuillidh.
Tarrainn do bhogha fad’, fhìdlear,
Is dannsaidh sinn cho fad is a chì sinn.”
Bho bhun an t-sreachda aig Beinn Nibheis –
Cuideachd òìgridh uallach, aoidheil, suairce
Aig am biodh na cruachan feòir ’s’ gheamhradh
Mar chruachan mòine a’s t-samhradh.
Siuthadaibh, illean, òlaibh uile,
’N uair a theirigeas seo, gheibh sinn tuillidh.
Tarrainn do bhogha fad’, fhìdlear,
Is dannsaidh sinn cho fad is a chì sinn.”
And the translation goes something like this:
An old custom they
had at Hogmanay, at the New Year, as they’d say, they would go to visit one another,
the neighbours and no one could gain entrance to a house if they didn’t recite a
verse at the door. The man would stand behind the door and he’d say to them:
“Recite your verse before you get in” and he had a bunch of holly in his hand.
And everyone who who recited the verse as they went in would be struck on the
calf and if no blood was drawn then they’d say:
“That man hasn’t long to live.”
And here you have
part of a
verse that they used to recite:
The big goat (i.e. wind?) we had on New Year’s
It wouldn’t leave a stirk tetheredIt wouldn’t leave the candle on a stick
It wouldn’t leave the old woman’s belly (perhaps a reference to the harvest maiden?)
I’ve no love for butter
I’ve no love for cheese
But a little bit from the cask
My throttle is in quest of.”
And there is another
one of them:
“I came here without seeking
From the snowy base of Ben Nevis –Young affable, kind, gallant company
Who would make haystacks in wintertime
Just like peat-hags in summer,
Go on lads, have a drink,
When this is finished, we’ll get more.
Draw your bow long, fiddler,
And we’ll dance as far as we can see.”
NB 10, pp. 951–52
John MacDonald of Highbridge, courtesy of the School of Scottish Studies Archives.
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